What’s on?
Come and join our friendly team
Regular Activities
Friday Trackies: Meet each Friday at 9am in the carpark opposite the entrance to the Langs Beach Scenic Reserve. We finish at 11am with morning tea and tasty treats.
To find out more about this group - email us at trackies@wairahitracks.nz
We have an active What ‘s App chat to inform everyone of activities.
Saturday Weedies: Meet most Saturdays at the carpark (start time is seasonal) for 2 hours of planting, weeding, and summer watering in the wetland and roadside reserves. On the 3rd Saturday of each month, the group also works on weed control along the Waipu Coastal Trail.
To find out more about this group - email us at weedies@wairahitracks.nz
Annual Forum: The Wairahi Tracks Trust likes to hold a public forum each year to inform the community about our progress.
To find out more about any of the above, please contact us at info@wairahitracks.n

Friday Trackies
Saturdays - Weeding and Watering
Special events