Thanks to everyone involved in the two working bees on the B2B track.
Author: Dawn Morrison
Working bee #1 : Cyclone Gabrielle saw quite a bit of damage along the river banks between the bridges at Langs Beach Estate and Langs Cove. We lost up to 2 metres of bank and plants. Hard to believe when you look at the trickle that is going along to the sea at present. There was a track (often called the B2B) that went from one bridge to the other bridge alongside the river However in one part the bank collapsed and took the track with it making the track unusable. The track was covered with debris washed down by the river camouflaging parts of the track. Of course weeds have taken over in parts. It was a case of fix it up or lose it forever.
Many were sad to see the track go and some of the families from Langs Beach Estate and a few ‘trackies’ from Wairahi Tracks met for a workingbee on Sunday 28 April. Quite a turnout on a gorgeous Autumn day : 15 people.
Out came the chainsaws, the hammers, skill saws, sprays and more. The washout gained a temporary path with the beginnings of steps and retaining wall. The path was re established with weeds getting a dose of spray and debris spread around as mulch. Ideas started forming about how to attach planks for fording the stream and the up- hill path that leads right to the gates of Langs Beach Estate walkable. What an amazing group achievement.
Working bee # 2: For the 2nd working bee we divided into two groups. One group was working on the steps and track over the slip and after several hours work and a bit of shingle and compaction, the detour was in place . The guys have done a fabulous job.
Meanwhile the second group worked on preparing the track down to where we plan to put a river crossing. We had identified a beautiful very old, large Pururi tree which we wanted to route the track around so that walkers could marvel at it. This involved chainsaws and quite a bit of debris removal as well as ‘cutting and pasting’ the ginger ( that even had the audacityto be growing IN the tree).
The next exciting development will be the placement of the planks across the stream. This is really ‘boys own’ stuff and many plans have come and gone as to what is the best way to do it. Watch this space for requests for man power.